



1:以电话形式确认报名,将展品图片发至组委会,审核通过后挑选展位。展位确认后填写“参展申请表”、 “参展规则” 食品安全承诺书并加盖公章,将三份文件以及企业营业执照复印件盖章原件邮寄至素食养生展组委会。展位申请被接受后,组委会将通过传真、邮件或邮寄方式盖章确认;










Application Procedures

1. Call the Organizing Committee to make booth application first and send exhibit photos back. If verified and qualified, you will be contacted to select booth location. Then, fill the Exhibition Application Form, Exhibition Regulation and Food Safety Commitment and stamp them with an authoritative seal. Please fax or mail them to the Organizing Committee along with the original copy of Business License with authoritative seal on it. Contract will be signed and faxed or emailed back to you when the application is confirmed.


2. Upon confirmation, the exhibition cost or 50% of that amount shall be remitted to the Organizing Committee within three days. Please also fax your remitting bill for checking. The booth shall not be reserved without receipt of relevant costs.


3. Deadline for booth application is Aug 15, 2024. Exhibitors shall pay up before  Aug 15, 2024 and submit company introduction and tax number (if invoice is necessary). The Organizing Committee will offer exhibitor’s manual and the confirmation of booth to the exhibitors one month ahead.


4. Booth assignment: The earlier one applies and pays, the earlier his booth will be assigned.


5. After confirmation, exhibitors shall guarantee that their exhibits are correspondent with what they have applied. Or the Organizing Committee has the rights to cancel his/her exhibition qualification. If exhibitors are found to re-rent or transfer their booths, the Organizing Committee also has the rights to cancel their qualification and seal their booths on the spot.






撤展时间:2024年10月14日 16:00


Fair Schedule

Booth Decoration:Oct.8-9,2024

Exhibition Time:Oct.10-14,2024

Booth Dismantling: after 4:00pm, Oct.14,2024